Monday, November 7, 2016

"I am wondering, why are you here?"

"I am wondering, why are you here? Looking? Found someone, you have, I would say, hmmm?" ~Yoda

Welcome to Maganda Mind! It is an ad hoc collection of semi-original thoughts, little bits of the view from where I sit, in the digitalreal. What's the digitalreal? It's the gossamer gradient between virtual and real. In a color gradient, like from yellow to orange, where does one color become the next? There is no line. That gradient is my world. If you're reading this, the digitalreal is your world, too.

Most people have ideas about things. For me, ideas are things. They are things to be seen, found, and made. They are big things, they are little things. They are serious things, play things and serious play things. Some come in handy, some lie around. Sometimes they're shiny, sometimes they're not. Sometimes I'm borrowing them, other times making some of my own. Sometimes they're in my head, other times in my hands. But, whatever and wherever they are, you'll always find me tink, tink, tinkering. Let me know what you tink, tink, think!

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