Someone once told me, "Most things take 5 minutes." What a gem of
wisdom that has turned out to be. It may not always be true in a literal
sense, but the concept certainly is. For inveterate procrastinators, 5
minutes is often all it takes to become unstuck on something that's been
put off so many times that the mere thought of the thing becomes more
daunting than the original task would have been.
If I'm avoiding something, I can decide to do just a tiny bit of it. Sometimes, it can get done in 5 minutes, whether it's making a dreaded phone call, or paying bills, or cleaning a messy desk. If the task is a bigger one, the 5-minute trick is sometimes all it takes to get rolling, if done enough times. Just 5 minutes is the difference between being sedentary and being not-sedentary, for instance. And, it can get me on my way toward a good, steady habit of being more physically active.
There's another good thing about the 5-minute trick. Endless to-do lists and lofty goals are usually self-defeating for me, because they can add up to a long string of failures that only serves to taunt and harass me. Building a mountain of little successes sure feels a whole lot better. As the old saying goes, "From small beginnings come great things."